Everywhere you turn today there is a tension. It isn’t something you can truly see or touch, but you can definitely feel it. There is fear, worry, and overall frustration. Stock markets are going down world-wide, and entire countries are shutting down. This is the time of the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19).
Some of you are being asked to stay home, while others are being told to stay home and the presence of police and military make that telling very real. In an age of technology we are lucky. Some of us can continue to work while you are home. We can all find ways to stay in touch with those we love who may be next door, or thousands of miles away. We can also keep ourselves and our children entertained for endless hours while binge watching on our favorite devices, and our favorite apps.
We are told that in order to help the current situation we are to stay away from others. We must try and maintain 6 feet distances between others. Do not touch anyone. In a world hungry for human contact, what are we to do when the only way to curve the growth of this virus is by staying as far away from others?
All is not lost! In times of devastation and uncertainty, people have been known to innovate the most wonderful ways of staying human! In Italy, the streets are empty, but yet there is music! In Spain, the streets are eerily quiet, but balconies are filled with people playing bingo across from each other and musicians playing music. If you don’t believe me, click on these links!
I run a dance studio. We touch each other, we are close to the people, so what do we believe? We believe in the power of dance! While at home in confined spaces, turn your favorite song on and dance! If you take lessons, clear a space and practice! The beauty of dance is that it doesn’t require a partner, a long stoned dress, a tuxedo, or even an audience.
When the world seems a bit bleak, and you need a refreshing sight, an elevated mood, or just some movement, DANCE! There is nothing more powerful than dancing. It eases the body, the mind, and the soul. If you are like me, and want to know the science behind things, read these:
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