Learning things online has become a norm in today’s society. You can get various certifications, degrees, and your high school diploma all while being online. It is almost as though our computers have become the only classroom we need. Is that true for dance?
With the ongoing health concerns, touching those outside of your home has become a bit of a no-no. We are asked to keep a 6 foot distance between ourselves and others. That begs the question, can we still learn how to dance and keep social distancing?
Thankfully, the answer is a resounding YES. Dance carries so many wonderful physical, mental, and emotional benefits that those teaching dance, and learning how to dance have found ways around the health concerns. Staying healthy should include a dance habit!
Is learning the Cha Cha, the Swing, and the Country Two-Step realistic at home? It can be. You can learn anything if you care to put a little creativity into it. That is what we have done as dance professionals, and it was we ask of you.
We have created wonderful online classrooms, platforms, and accounts all designated for your ability to learn from us in the comfort of your own home. Yes, you can have us teaching you in your foyer, your living room, or your patio. Please understand that though we can do this, it does not mean that you will get everything we could offer from a one-on-one lesson inside the studio. It is a wonderful alternative, but it will not become a replacement.
Partnership dancing requires just that, a partner. We are many times the partner that you need. We can move you, help you, show you, and mold you all through our own movements. Human touch may be somewhat avoided at the moment, but it is still a necessity. How might we be overcoming it? With a lot of hand-washing, hand sanitizer, gloves, and masks. Yes, the dance world looks different, but we are still able to offer the wonderful benefits that we always have.
Our ability to adapt allows us to continue to serve those that cannot come and visit us in person. It gives us the opportunity to reach those that we may not have been able to reach before. Please know, we are still in the studio. We will never leave the studio for a virtual classroom. We look forward to seeing you on our dance floor, at some point.
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