There have been so many times, throughout my career, when I have heard people comment on their lack of rhythm. It saddens me, honestly. I do not know who could have given them that thought, how young they were when they first believed it, and what kind of shame they may have felt because of it.
The truth is, everyone has rhythm. If you do not believe me, below are the following reasons why I truly believe that everyone has rhythm.
1) Our hearts beat to rhythm. In fact, when that rhythm differs, doctors begin to wonder why.
2) We all speak to a rhythm. The rhythm will differ depending on origin, language, and simple things like our mouth structure, our tongues, and our teeth.
3) We all walk to a rhythm. When a child first learns to walk, they tend to fall quite a bit. In truth, they fall due to finding their balance and finding their rhythm. Once those two things are found, children begin to walk, run, jump, dance, etc.
4) Every motion you make in life is to varying rhythms. In fact, if you listen to yourself read, type, swim, play candy crush… it all has a rhythm.
6) You breath to a rhythm. Depending on what your overall goal is, that rhythm may change. You may breath slower and heavier to calm down. You may breathe faster when frightened, angry, or running.
Those simple things above are not everything either. It is a short list, but a list that I feel makes my point. If you were to sit outside, you will notice that everything around has a rhythm to it.
The next time that you feel, or someone says anything to the extent of you lacking rhythm, keep in mind that you do in fact have rhythm. What we all have to learn, some will learn it sooner than others, is how to apply movement to music.
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